Earth's Millennial Reign
MESSage to MessAge
Please Remember To Join My Live Masterclass over Zoom:
On Sunday, December 22nd @ 2-4 PM CST
(RECORDING FOR Spiritual Capitalist Outreach of our Offerings upon any contribution to Bridge Bucks Bank)
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6663330999
Download your Free Guide here:
Find a quiet space, sit down, Relax and Turn this on:
Christ's Millennial Reign
MESSage to MessAge
A generation is coming and a generation is going
Ecclesiastes 1:4-9
You hold the Keys of the Kingdom of St. PETER
For God did not spare even the angels who sinned. He threw them into hell, in gloomy pits of darkness, where they are being held until the day of judgment. And God did not spare the ancient world—except for Noah and the seven others in his family. - 2 Peter 2:4-9
Key 1: Spiritual GATHERING
Key 2: Freedom to Be You! Thanks your only Job!
Key 3: Listening from Love
Key 4: Psycho to Pyschic Visionary LeaderShip
Key 5: Abundance Mastery
Key 6: Collaborate newly developing distinctions of Kirk McDow, Abundance LeaderShip, with the with the Original 36 through Lighthouse LeaderShip
Key 7: Upgrade Context to Love; Mindmapping to Forgiveness; Round-Table to A-Team; Flawthetication to Authentication, Congruency of Being
Key 8: Natural Balance with Masculine and Feminine Energy
Key 9: Infinitely connect with everyone
Key 10: Brain-spotting/ Attunement With Your Own Loving Medicine to Self Energy and Your Mirror
Key 11: Remember we are One In Spirit , Holy Children of God the Father, Most High, and Mother of Earth and Sky
Key 12: Awaken Spiritual Life Giving Guidance Live
Live Masterclass over Zoom
On Sunday, 12/22, 2-4 PM CST (will be recorded if you miss)
Buckle up for the ride of your life and maybe the century...I'm waking up in mind, body, soul, and time mystery. It just takes trust and attuning to heal what your yearning; who I am is you and in refection, we are perfectly made anew.
Hey, I am Andrea,
from the a Roots Of Jackson, TN.
I am born here and now lifting by the bootstraps at age 36 and I have lived here just 2 years Awakening Into Pure Innocence.
"We Connect Here; We Hub Here"
How may I serve you and remind you of your Creativity? I know and I don't know because I see and I don't see, and I live in eternity, infinite attuned processing.